Hummingbird Clearwing

These moths are such a delight to watch. At first glance, you might mistake a hummingbird moth for a tiny hummingbird. It feeds on the nectar of flowers, hovering with the body stationary, its transparent wings beating so fast as to be nearly invisible, and a long proboscis protruding into the blossom. When flying, the wings create a soft buzzing, also like a hummingbird. While most sphinx moths fly at night, hummingbird moths fly during the day. They can be found in a wide variety of habitats, including open meadows, forest edges, and suburban gardens.

Photo credit: John Blair

  • Vaccinium spp

    Prunus spp

    Common snowberry (Symphoricarpos albus var. albus)

    Dogbane (Apocynum cannabinum)

    Hawthorn (Crataegus spp)

    Honeysuckle (Lonicera spp)

    • American fly honeysuckle (Lonicera canadensis)

    • Hairy honeysuckle (Lonicera hirsuta)

    • Limber honeysuckle (Lonicera dioica)

    • Swamp fly honeysuckle (Lonicera oblongifolia)

    Viburnum spp

    • American cranberrybush (Viburnum opulus var. americanum)

    • Downy arrowwood (Viburnum rafinesqueanum)

    • Mapleleaf viburnum (Viburnum acerifolium)

    • Nannyberry (Viburnum lentago)

    • Southern arrowwood (Viburnum recognitum)

    • Withe-rod (Viburnum nudum var. cassinoides)

  • None that I am aware of

  • Blackberry, Blazing Star, Buttonbush, Dogbane, Dogwood, Joe-Pye Weed, Milkweed, Monarda, Phlox, Purple Coneflower, Thistle

  • Bazilian Verbena, Butterfly Bush (make sure you use a sterile variety), Lantana, Lilac, Mexican Sunflower, Zinnia

  • March-October. Several broods each year, last brood overwinters

  • Butterflies and Moths of North America.

    Brenda Dziedzic, Raising Butterflies in the Garden

    Heather Holm, Pollinators of Native Plants

    National Wildlife Federation.

    Xerces Society.